Monday, May 17, 2021


     One year later!

        To some, a full rotation around a fiery ball; the enabling of fortitude comes, the passing of a haze that blurred the lines of life's boundaries. 

    The notion of time passing to curtail an invisible enemy must be akin to a heroic act of self-less servitude to humanitarianism. A globally unified offensive against a common, infiltrating enemy. 

    Cue the music: Violin is absent, only the sound of parading trumpets. Victory---


    Drop the charade. 
        We're playing musical chairs.

We are doing something else?


Well.. Anyways.

    For the last year I've been going in circles with rhetoric and policy changes that affect my life on a personal level, to the degree that I've even witnessed the loss of life. Hard to believe that it would amount to such, but the truth is stranger than fiction. 
The culmination of events over the past year has shed light on the ambitions of the rich and those who dare think themselves as the 'elite'. 
Aside from sharing in the gains and losses from equally unexpected places, there's been a tugging against progress. An impasse of sorts, but of a kind I can barely articulate; however, I am accustomed to the feeling of resisting progress on account of moral implications. Because I am advocating against progressive ideologues.
It's ironic that I'm usually the one claiming there's a misunderstanding of facts.

This year things have gone quite as expected in the sense of being unexpected. 
I wont go so far as to say unpredictable, but that's because I could feel that the new year would bring more of what we've been seeing. So far it seems exactly as such, there's not much variety or difference of the here and now from the then and there. 
Perhaps as more years go by the feeling will only deepen?
Or will this be a blip in comparison to what is coming?

2010 Apocalypse

    It was supposed to be another year, but instead life made quite the turn. I don't remember clearly what life was all about in my mind then, but I do recognize that I am a different person from then with respect to my character. There's a lot of me that is similar and I can say it is a propensity definition, but there's this tugging feeling that my personality isn't what changes and maybe it's needed to. In fact, I could argue that there's some boundaries that have been shattered that relate to my introversion--something of which is absolutely personality based. 
Something big enough to be called ego death occurred in the year of 2010, it did again in the summer of 2020. Around this time to be exact, but it hadn't started to sink in until autumn season--after more 'unexpected' losses.

The most noticeable thing about 2010 is the amount of things I was doing that would become the norm, yet was enough to get me laughed at. Take a look through my facebook pictures in that year and you might notice some fashion trends that are common place today, but look deeper through my other work in that year and it reveals a certain zeitgeist emerging. 
I won't claim to have future sight.. I do believe what is happening is a matter of deduction; albeit subconscious and intuitive.  

By far the funniest to me are the pictures of the me wearing surgical masks with graphics as a fashion statement then. What a strange coincidence that some of them were painted with chinese writing. 
Things like that make me sit back and question my original intent.. Just as much as why I let it go quite a while ago [though I did find the masks, I don't have the entire costumes. And no, I haven't once used the masks in public]


    Now why in the world am I picking this day to make an entry and to title this one the way I did? After all, am I really going to rant about the lockdowns or what's going on politically?
Well.. No. 
    Instead, I'm going to talk about what was going on around me a year ago and how it relates to drastic changes that seemed to happen like a flowing river. A dichotomy of context so we can understand how I relate my memories to a zeitgeist. 

    A year ago was when Colorado Administrative ---persons--- decided that the clear would be for what was initially deemed a treatable and preventable catastrophe of medical nightmares. In essence, no one knew what was going to happen other than the people with access to factual data---whoever that could even be. The point was that we were giving ourselves quite the elongated vacation indoors to hinder spread; a common-sense notion of transmissibility of a virus. 
Most everyone agreed even if anyone thought it to be ridiculous to what level we had already been reacting. After all.. Opinions of experts have ranged, depending on political affiliation and geography. Nothing new really, all part of a standard exercise in scientific deduction when one considers how anything is established on grounds of consensus. 

But, here we are. Rumor has it that we wont be wearing masks at work in a matter of weeks. Besides the uplift of administrative mandates there is also this growing disregard for what I call an adherence to obedience. 
The people in the crowd will not follow the guidelines, not that I care, regardless of what level of fear comes in the form of propaganda.

This is the world we live..
It's a ridiculous 'hive' effort, refusing to acknowledge that society has colonizing attributes. There is no way around it other than trying to redefine logic; which is what is happening.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Fire Extinguisher

(A wet fire, one of boiling water, can destroy just as much as an open flame.)

[Yet some inflame others and are surprised to be burned by something and they can't find fire anywhere]

{What are the signs of "boiling over" and what can be done about it?}


Draft 2 Publish

    Yet another draft from many years ago that never made it to the world; at the time that I was coming up with these unfinished drafts there was an inability to continue. Perhaps the reason I couldn't continue was because these posts weren't meant for the zeitgeist of the time.
Regardless of timing being appropriate, there is a strong need for explanations of certain questions. The questions I propose aren't new ideas and the problems I'm articulating are just as old. I would call my delay to finish a result of my own immaturity. Even though it is more probable that I refused to speak on something I didn't feel I had enough authority in experience to suggest a solution. 

Six years later I have a very strong opinion about solutions to a problem anyone could talk about. After all, the problem I speak about is more arbitrary than a specific event. The psychology of it all is too broad and too inclusive to narrow down any one particular problem--like trying to define something in a dream not clearly seen and therefore your memory is unreliable. 
    One aspect of my memory that I can say is totally reliable is my memory of what people have a tendency to do when it comes to me. Such as a preference or a tolerance.. Though I only remember the behavior, I have no idea what the intentions were. Intentions be damned, I don't care. 

    As the new year approaches there's a lot of people talking about peace and unity and mending of wounds and the like. Though these things are not inherently negative or disproportionate, I feel that there's some kind of misrepresentation going on here. 
It's as though the most important thing to most people these days is how much they can be a victim. 
        All the talk goes hand in hand with a prevalent issue that is disproportionately handled. It's the whole symbolism with destroying an ant hill with a bazooka. But without saying such a thing as to insinuate that the problem itself is miniscule in comparison to ourselves. 
No.. What I mean to insinuate is that we don't handle our solutions well. It's the wasteful bit of spending that government gets into that leads into much bigger issues, such as corruption. Albeit such issues are ever going.. Or should that properly be ongoing? I just can't stand to define it that way since it is obvious that the other part of the problem of corruption is that neutral and protective systems become weapons.

All I wanted for Christmas   

    Was to go back to work. Like, without these lockdown restrictions and all the nonsense behind it. I'm still amazed that we're having this debate in society when the reality is that we're not even in a position to be able to govern ourselves. 
        I know, crazy talk. Right? Where am I going with this?

        The point I'm making is that there's all these things that everyone wants. All sorts of ways we're willing to go about getting the things we desire. But it isn't murder that I'm focusing on here, it is the end result nonetheless. We shouldn't be surprised though, it seems that unchecked issues always lead to a murderous conclusion. Kinda like what Master Yoda yammers on about, right?

I've found myself wanting plenty. I don't know that it is possible not to, outside of getting away from the very world that instigates so many of these desires. Much like being surrounded by a bunch of people who you admire and whom are giving you affection, but you are told to ignore. I'm not saying that it isn't possible, but I am suggesting that it's a sort of lunacy to expect it of someone. 
But that's where this gets weird. 
Because when we're talking about divine intervention, there's no need for conventionalism in anything. 

  GOD within the Boundaries

    I've long struggled with the concept that God is invisible. But not nearly as much as the concept that there's some human-formed entity watching me and dictating onto my life. At least with God I feel that his invisibility isn't a condition for his involvement; weird statement, but it is rooted in experience. 
    This is not a theology discussion. I'm far from talking about what I think is going on or who I think has the idea the best. What I will admit is that I have to talk about this aspect of my belief structure or I wont be able to articulate the deeper meaning of my rant. But I'm not trying to convert your thinking as much as suggest a reason for others having an alternative form of thought. 
Mine is pretty basic.. I think cause and effect explain most of everything in the world, but it isn't the ultimate explanation to existence or purpose. I think there's layers and levels to reality and the involvement of any one energy can be completely independent of some or all others, as evidenced in the physical sciences. So I think it is logical to presume that any higher power, be it reasonable or not, is consistent as evidenced by the consistency and interwoven interdependency of systems within the universe as a whole. 
    In the grand scheme of things.. I find it laughable to discredit the possibility of divine presence as opposed to argue possible dormancy. 

        But where does that leave me in the world that hates anything and everything yet nothing, simultaneously?
As a child and growing up I wrote off such a thing as the reason why the world is broken. It wasn't ever in the back of my mind, it was always in the front. I simply didn't look at it any other way and it was that I tried, in fact it was that I wanted to know why things were so obviously broken as opposed to meant to be... In an ever-decaying presence of survival. Perhaps this was the very thing that scared me into believing there is a God. Even more, it may be the reason why my drugged mental states didn't lead to a psychotic break; don't ask my family to confirm this, they'll argue I've either never been crazy or never found help. 
                        That is a bit of comic relief. Trust me, I'm laughing about it when I think about it now.
    This issue has been something that has set a sort of limitation on me. It is something I should consider. After many opportunities have passed me because I felt I wasn't being loyal, I should really consider what it is that I am and where I'm going. 
    This comes from a heart of thankfulness, it's best to take note that a lot of my decisions are made on the basis that I'm making bad decisions and need guidance. 

2021 & Beyond

    This whole Future-thought weft is getting old. It was a fun joke when 2015 was rolling around, to us nerds who grew up fantasizing about a world similar to what Marty McFly encountered in that half-baked sequel to a late 80's misnomer of reality. 
        Damn.. What a mouthful. 
            It's just... How funny it is to look at what we thought the future would look like, when we're finally in it. It's like those old sci-fi shows. I've always known you can't depict a world that doesn't exist, especially something tangible yet liquid like tomorrow. For even if it is disastrous, it's still a thing of inevitability and supreme importance.

    I won't talk about tomorrow like I know what tomorrow brings or what I want to do. I've already known for quite some time not to talk like that. I hope many people learned the futility of such this year.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Living Life On Purpose

**(Purpose & Purposed. We are all born with a Purpose and we all should live Purposed lives.)
[Are all Purposes Purposed on Purpose? Is any Purpose acceptable or is there an etiquette?]
{Happiness is a symptom of Purposed living, imagine what brings Joy} **July 30th, 2014**

Another Entry from the Past

This was started over six years ago.
Perhaps I didn't finish it because the zeitgeist hadn't reached critical mass. 

    There's been a lot that has happened in the last six years. Thinking back to that time is interesting, I can literally find a few different journal entries for that area of time.. Concerning the month, week, and even around that day. Well.. Up to July 29th, 2014 that is. And... It isn't pretty. 
However, it is a bit hard to discern what the actual problem is. Ambiguous language describing a problem.. Is the problem. The words in my journal seem to match what is going on above even though I'm basing my conclusion on what emotions I feel from my past words. 

The fun thing about looking through my journals to understand what I was talking about is that if it were someone else trying to do this. I think they would come to the same conclusions as I am now, for the same reasons that there's no singular instance described in detail. That is very normal for me, especially since understanding context requires reading a few entries--not necessarily back to back either. 

Considering the zeitgeist and how I keep calling the world "a dump" and go on to describe the way I'm treated.. Which I say. "people unwilling to discern their own lack of forgiveness.." and the day before I describe events as. "shit hitting the fan once again" and also, "Obviously I haven't got a clue as to what I'm doing with myself"
And before all that I was pretty much complaining about an old friend and her inability to stop flirting with me. Sooooo.... WtF was going on exactly? I can't seem to remember all the detail necessary for articulating my explanations logically--or rather, accurately. 
I declared that the 42-week cycle was on it's 5th cycle.. Which meant I was supposed to be "Nullifying Introspective Reasoning" which was an attempt to humble myself using the instructions from outside myself; including prayer and counseling from others. 

    Ok, beautifully written jargon from a previous self.. 

The notion of my words carries this arrogance that I can't remember. Most of the time I am writing I make a lot of declarative statements. So far I've made quite a few, even though the statements are about myself. I would claim that making declarative statements about yourself is an acceptable thing to do, but how is that not an arrogant leap of faith? Shouldn't I ask the people around me how they feel instead? Wouldn't it make more sense to change attributes of my character based on the combined response of people close to me?

Anyways.. I can ask all day about what it was that I was going through or what it was that I meant. It doesn't matter. In comparison, the present times coupled with past words is where my interest piques. I can feel that there was this anxiety in me at the time, but I also feel that it was emotional frustration. There's some appeal to logic, but most of it is in the form of declarative statements. I didn't ask a single question throughout those entries --near the starred date above-- nor did I come to a definitive conclusion based on logical deduction. 
Is there any way that I can find out more information? The more I find the more this gets interesting. 

    I can imagine that within my struggle, that week of whatever, I found myself needing answers. And the answers that I was getting were useful, but something about them must of felt out of place. I know this was at a time when I was getting used to the Anima and even finding that it went a bit deeper than what I was experiencing on the surface. 
I know that there were other people tugging at my heart strings and that there was a lot of resentment forming during those times. Resentment that still carries to this day, but has also grown more severe in my response. In fact, only within this year have I made cuts to ties to relationships. All over the place but also in ways that I used to refuse to do--such as deleting friends from Facebook. 
These days it is a lot easier to delete people on Facebook since so many of them don't even talk to me anymore. Even when I say something to them I'm more likely to get a like than a response. To that I say one thing..
Same people that never really understood me.. Took me for granted... Forgot everything I stand for....

    Maybe I should be more.. forgiving ..Or less emotionally charged ?

    Arrogance or something else?

I don't get the feeling that I was being stubborn in those days. I am sure there were things I did or said that pissed people off or otherwise dug me a hole into my pit of despair. It's just that I know better than to think I couldn't have been guilty of inflammatory responses or cynical critiques. Typically I don't harass people for any reason, I don't take kindly to being interrupted when I'm talking or writing and I am especially cautious about my approach onto unsuspecting people; unless you're a friend and don't look busy--then you better watch your back, but only in good fun of course. 
    But that last example is an illustration of my silliness even in serious times. It's not that I can't have fun, it's just that usually people want to push me away from my solution-finding mode. And unfortunately that solution-finding mode carries some negative connotations with it. After all, it is only in that mode that I seem to lose my ability to smile and any desire to show my true emotions. This can be problematic since I will display emotions of some kind, but if they don't express my current feelings then no one can adjust their behavior or call mine out. 
Contrary to popular belief, it is unwise to unfairly treat people. And hypocrisy is even more foolish. 

Now to answer the original question from six years back:

    I have a much needed answer--to the best of my current ability. 

Etiquette Matters; Purpose is derived from the Devine; Purposed lives show purpose develops.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Psychokinetic Warrior!

For half of my life I've been aware of the details of a an ability called Psychokinetics.

Psychokinesis (from the Greek ψυχή, "psyche", meaning mind, soul, heart, or breath; and κίνησις, "kinesis", meaning motion, movement; literally "mind-movement"),[1][2] also referred to as telekinesis[3](Greek τῆλε + κίνησις, literally "distant-movement") with respect to strictly describing movement of matter, sometimes abbreviated PK and TK respectively, is a term coined by publisher Henry Holt[4] to refer to the direct influence of mind on a physical system that cannot be entirely accounted for by the mediation of any known physical energy (i.e. moving objects with the mind).[5] Examples of psychokinesis could include distorting or moving an object,[6] and influencing the output of a random number generator.
I was heavily influenced at a young age by the story AKIRA by Katsuhiro Otomo. The plot fascinated me enough to consider how real it really could have been. After all, there was an excessive amount of references to complicated words in the comics that made me look up definitions. I quickly found that there was a science behind the story and thus it made me appreciate the plot even more.

"This is just for fun? Is there something to this?"

So why am I bringing this up?
Well many of us, who are in the martial arts, believe in energies that Science has not tried or has not successfully explained. One of which would be the Chakras and their significance. I have always found it troubling that when I talk to "unbelievers" of Ki energy that they are very quick to dismiss it as Athleticism. I don't even know how to respond to something like that.
So I got to thinking, especially since I've had moments in my training where I do things I can't repeat that is not as simple as forgetting a movement. I've always needed a deeper explanation to why I can cut into something deep or why I can break a piece of wood with such knife-like precision with my hand... And yet, not say it was a matter of instinct.

I am not claiming I'm a psychic of any kind, let alone a powerhouse to reckon with. I am trying to suggest that all people are capable of specific abilities, just as the concept of chakra. Furthermore, I believe that psychokinesis combined with martial arts training is practical.

"Get to the point! How do we do it?!"

The hardest thing to do is explain there is no absolute process to combine psychic abilities with martial arts training. It is a hit-or-miss type of concept that requires the understanding of personal limits. Moreover, the understanding of any kind of psychic training (There are tests and training methods established by reputable sources, if anyone is skeptical of such) requires as much time as any martial arts training. 
So who wants to triple up?
I'm not joking. You will have to double up just to learn an individual skill and then it becomes triple to combine the two. It is just like learning to handle a sword while writing. You can't do both at the same time with the same skill without learning them individually, then you'll have to learn to combine the two effectively. It may seem like all you have to do is write with a sword, but that is with the precept that you already know how to write without one. Furthermore, I have no idea how one learns to write using a sword while learning the art of the sword in combat, as it should (that doesn't mean it isn't possible).

"Great.. A skill that can't be mastered under twenty years.."

I can't say the required time to learn or to hone a psychic ability. I have a strong belief that it is like learning any skill, some get it faster than others and some don't get it at all. The beauty of psychic skills is that there are many facets in itself. Perhaps you can strengthen your premonition of events, perhaps you strengthen your kinetic influence, perhaps you learn telepathy in the process. The possibilities are bound by imagination and motivation. Sometimes it takes someone's crazy talk about their own experiences to spark recognition of personal experience of being more than just coincidence. 
For myself, I have found a strong kinetic influence through emotion; usually linked to memories or ideas that spark specific emotions. This influence has been best realized through Kenjutsu, as opposed to any other weapon handling or hand-to-hand training. I have also noticed slight differences in spatial awareness of energies. 
I am sure most would argue that this is entirely the process of Ki energy and Chakra training. I can't say I disagree, but I can say it makes no sense to ignore the powers of the mind with bias to ancient principles.

The saying, "Forget what you know" is a very important saying in this case. You must start with a clean slate. When the slate is clean, begin with contemplating past events that have eluded explanation. From there, analyze and research. If something can be explained, test. If there are results, research more and test more. 
I fail to see how any martial arts is not a science. 
We follow the same principles as a researcher does, the only difference is that we break our lab in the process (oops.. I forgot, many researchers are known to do this in the pursuit of Science).

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sacred Geometry

I am not a Freemason. I do not agree with the ideology of the Freemasons in general. I have nothing against the individuals and I am not going to get into the conspiracies surrounding the Freemasons.
However, there is something I must get out of the way since most people will immediately think of them because of what I'm talking about.
The Freemasons believe there is a sacredness to Geometry, mathematics, certain sciences, and the use of Symbols. I am focusing on the Geometry, which does get into mathematics and certain sciences. However, I am only doing it from a practical point of view. I'll respectfully refrain from getting into the metaphysical side of any of it as well as ideologies stemming away from the Martial Arts, mostly for those who have a strong dislike for the Freemasons.. Just as much for those who don't want to hear conspiracies about them.

Something I had found very interesting that was said by Master IP of Wing Chun was that he wished he had known the complexities of Geometry when he was younger. The nature of him saying it was the importance of the Triangle within the Wing Chun system. What really caught my attention was that Master IP also stated he wish he had learned more in geometry at a younger age because of the profound importance it later had in his development of technique.
I heard this in the onset of my fascination with the system many years back. What caught my attention when Master IP said that particular statement about the triangle was the intricate nature of all Martial Arts systems coming down to a complex yet intuitive understanding of the Human Anatomy. Anyone who is training in Martial Arts comes to respect the weakness and strength of the Human body; if they don't, they haven't stepped away from the fanciful and foolish imagination of being Super Human.
I must admit that it was not a fascination with being a fighter that led me into any study of Martial Arts, it was the extremely docile outward demeanor of Masters coupled with their fierce aura within any situation which caught my attention. Growing up, I always found the real-life videos of Bruce Lee to be interesting, because he seemed so calm and so nice.. Yet he was nothing to be trifled with with fists or with brains.
That same fascination extended to many others caught on tape as well as ones I met face to face. Naturally, in those childhood years, I just couldn't help but wonder if there really was a deeper side to Martial Arts than a good ol' fashioned ass kicking (stupid Hollywood).

In my endeavors of enlightenment, I started to appreciate this understanding of mathematics. Even though I personally can care less about learning math concepts for scholarly purposes. In fact, I am very adverse to mathematics in all forms for some indescribable reason. It's not even that I have low confidence in my ability or just outright struggle with it.. I literally just don't like it. I am more quick to grab a calculator for the reason of not letting formulas go through my head than to speed up the process itself (No offense to those who find math to be fun, I have nothing against you guys).
Over time I started to realize that there was no need for me to get into mathematics in a linear fashion. My intuition could make sense of a lot of principles and I was resolved that the use of math is a matter of inevitability in one form or another even if complex formulas aren't. What became a matter of necessity in physical training, became a necessity in other forms of my life. Such as my visual creativity in the arts. Somehow.. That translated into my literary pursuits.

I noticed that there was a sort of beauty to certain aspects of mathematics as my curiosity for Quantum mechanics grew, though I also noticed a surreal nature to it all because of having to throw out my understanding of conventional physics. It's unfortunate to me that I couldn't throw out mathematics as well.
Fortunately, physics is a springboard to the understanding of many things and is nothing short of helpful in Martial Arts, as well as mathematical computation/analysis.

Since I'm getting deep into my personal enlightenment, I'll express what I learned from this whole idea of Sacred Geometry. I also believe that the triangle is a very useful concept when dealing with the basics of physical defense and offense. From stances, to combatives, and to energy flow.
For example: Something that most people will teach their students early on, never fully extend the forearm and elbow when punching; they'll also teach to quickly pull back. Some teach this purely as a way to increase reflex time to counterattack, while others purely teach it as a safety maneuver to keep from causing injury during an attack. Both are exceptionally true and both should be taught as a matter of safety. Also, some teach that excluding centrifugal motion (twisting) can yield faster motion even though it may not be as strong; such as the vertical punch (for someone like me, who doesn't have the size to use, I love vertical punches because they go well with my agility/speed and they have devastating potential when chained together).
It is worth noting the intuitive nature of bent knees in fighting stances, which is a matter of angles like a triangle. It may be understood that the spreading of the feet to shoulder length is also a matter of angles like a triangle as well. In fact, when you look at all the different positions that are taught for stances, you see triangles all over the place.. The geometry of them playing a big role in defense and offense capabilities, as well as proper placement to keep from being overpowered by a weak defense or having little power in a weak offense.

It is absolutely amazing how much training goes into understanding the application of stances and combatives because most people get the form yet they don't get the idea. That may sound like it is no big deal, but I'm expressing someone who knows the basics of how to make a fist to punch yet doesn't know to use their entire body and proper footing to make that fist into a good punch.
In my own pursuit, I have tried very hard to keep away from focusing on an idea before focusing on my form. The only reason is because I get carried away in creating variations because I have the idea, which keeps me away from every grasping good form. However, I eventually switch up when I have confidence in basic principle. This is because my body-memory serves my instincts well once I understand the capabilities of a form yet retain the idea. This is especially true with weapon handling, because it is a lot easier to recognize how much damage you can inflict and why you may have had a variation that yields weakness.
How anyone else learns may vary greatly, I am not trying to suggest my method is necessary or even to my own benefit over any other idea. What I've noticed remain constant is a respect for the complexities of the geometry of my form within the expression of an idea. It is simply how I process things, as I am a kinesthetic thinker and very intuitive.. So I'm better off making the mistakes of bad form to better grasp the idea as a whole.

Ok, so that bit is just what I've noticed in hand-to-hand combat. When we look at weapons, they are the greatest form of geometry and physics that I can think of in Martial Arts. You can say that the weapon itself is a testament to the power of geometry as well as the ambidexterity of the weapon itself.
The geometry of a weapon decides if and even how an edge of a blade cuts and it determines a weapon's weaknesses as well as special attributes against other weapons. To the laymen, there is no coincidence to the shape of a Katana, a shuriken, or the bo staff. A wonderfully malicious weapon that uses physics and shape is the morning star. I consider the Nunchaku to be very similar, just without the penetrating effect of a spike to pierce armor. Some weapons are developed to suit specific needs and many are very versatile in their uses. An Ax is a good example of something so formidable in combat, useful in everyday use, yet hard to understand just by looking at it.. However, the understanding of how any weapon (tool) can be used is the only practical way to successfully use them to your advantage while they are in the hands of your enemy. Just another reason why I value the pursuit of increasing my ambidexterity (for those who don't know, stances reveal a lot of what you are about to do or can't do. That is the reason why Hakama were made).

Now let's clear one thing up..
When we refer any shape as "Sacred Geometry", we are specifying certain attributes of specific shapes. The human anatomy doesn't have these specific shapes in their raw form, though the human anatomy easily conforms to these shapes in various ways. I have yet to see a weapon that functions extremely well that doesn't conform to these shapes. Moreover, the more simple the understanding of how these shapes interact with conventional physics then the better their versatility.

Eastern Philosophy focuses on Sacred Geometry in various ways. To my dismay, it is Western Civilization that keeps these things out of schools and doesn't allow it to take on different aspects of life. I am somewhat ashamed to see it perpetuated in Western Society when dealing with Eastern concepts..
Take a closer look at what you are taught in Martial Arts.. You might notice that the teachings are very much a "Hard Science". Meaning there is a consistency to it, can be tested with predictable results, and there's nearly no margin of error within these predictions. You may also notice that you can assimilate the basis of the knowledge to do many productive things around the house or labor jobs (which I'm sure many people can agree that they like studying Martial Arts because of how much it helps with everyday activities/chores).

If you didn't already know the significance of the role of Geometry in Martial Arts, I hope that opened your eyes a little bit. Maybe now you can look at your math test as a practice in a Dojo or even a matter of life and death.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Fakers, Takers, & Trouble Makers

Stack that pyre higher, black scat liar for hire.

Wait.. What??

That phrase may seem confusing for those who don't know the meaning of the words.
What I was getting at is that a liar, who does it for personal gain, stacks a destructive and volatile pile of crap. It may be questionable as to who will suffer at the hands of this destructive game, but we all like to think that only the reaper harvests what he sowed.
If only that were the only way it ends.

I like to make word play that truly resembles something true. I don't think it matters to make up an issue and try to give it weight just so I can pretend there is distress to an issue that doesn't exist.
Call me a realist who has a strong intuition for the surreal and the ideological. I call myself an artist who is trapped in a body that is subject to reality. Instead of trying to escape I pursue a method of describing my perception in a roundabout way. In the case of this outlet, which is one of many in my life, I choose to talk about things all people can relate to. That isn't to say that anyone will agree with how I feel or what I think should be done.

The irony of the title of this post is that we have all been in a position where we became one of those three things, two of the three, or even all three. Anyone who claims to never have taken advantage of a situation selfishly, caused some trouble for someone, or faked an attitude/persona is lying; at worse it's a lie to yourself if you are brainwashed into a perception of your self-proclaimed righteousness.
I don't want to focus on telling everyone that they have all rolled around in the dirt, that is a distraction from the real problem which is the fight to stand up and go so far as to help others out of the dirt.
Society in most countries enjoys portraying a civic duty to help the fellow man. We hear a lot about people giving to charities, people going to countries abroad just to lend financial and medical aid.. We even hear about the 'great' politicians whose ideology is the social well being for all of mankind.
Then as soon as we turn around.. More innocent people are dying.. Starvation is still rampant.. Young children are afflicted with disease.. Young girls are being kidnapped for the sex-slave business.. Racism and every other form of bigotry is practiced.. You name the atrocities and I guarantee we can find a place where it is out of control on this planet.
Does it bother me?
You're damn right it bothers me. I find it absolutely disturbing. What bothers me most is that I can't do much to stop it. I can't give enough of my time, money, or energy to stop it. The most I can do is not sit down for it or watch it happen right in front of me. Which is a whole lot better than sitting on the couch and shedding tears when the TV gives the cue to do so. Then again.. I look at that idiot box as a form of manipulation also.

One thing that really gets on my nerves when I think about this world is that people try to convince me that their situation is truly unique. So unique that no one could possibly understand what they are going through. I understand very well that no two situations are identical, based on what is under the surface of each individual; let alone the possibilities that rise from any given choice.
However, there is a line that turns any situation asinine.
Why? Because the power of the human mind is to be able to imagine things that aren't a part of reality, or never were, and be subjected to the imagination as if it literally happened. It is hard enough for myself to discern reality from the imagination when you aren't presented with something physical, it requires consistency and confirmation of some kind that exists outside of your own head. Even at that, the mind has a terribly bad habit of misconstruing information from the senses; hallucinogenics anyone?
Even bad communication, incorrectly taught principles, and cognitive dissonance are on the list of culprits that trick the mind to believe a reality that is false.
That is why people who manipulate things to intentionally trick a mind are the hardest people to fight.

Define the manipulation how you want, there's many flavors for the same act.
This world needs to wake up. We can cry all day about how we need to change the world, but the fact is that we need to work on ourselves first. The world can't change unless people stop being so lethargic, believing that problems can be solved with a phone call and a credit card number.
The least we can do is teach the next generation the true value of not succumbing to the behavior that spawns all the affliction the world suffers at human hands.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Calm Before the Storm

I am not quick to analyze the energy that I am projecting like I am quick to analyze the energies that I am sensing from my environment. The energy I detect comes in different ranges, such as people or weather. Sometimes, in the more rare case, it includes the influence of the stars.
When I am analyzing the energy around me it is for the purpose of preparing myself for whatever may be coming my way. Walking in the same direction the wind is blowing, avoiding an individual who is violently distressed, or determining the quality of a product. Usually the most important moment is when I have to make a quick decision of how to react to confrontation of malice.

There has been plenty of times when I am by myself on the streets and someone looks at me as some kind of prospect for victimization. The most frightening aspect is to be caught off guard, backed into a corner, and unsure if the assailant has backup.
More often than I want to admit, I am without any way to react without jeopardizing myself in the process. People with weapons is not nearly descriptive enough of these cases, I have to be specific to what kind of weapon they have or where I am being confronted. Firearms is a great example of a situation that can go from bad to horrible without being able to blink, especially when it's someone in uniform who has the wrong idea and a chip on their shoulder. If you want to tell me that sounds fanciful, then try fitting the description of someone else who committed a crime. However, my point has to do with non-uniformed personnel.

Most of the time I have been in public and have had to fend for myself. There are plenty of places all around America that have these occurrences every day. What baffles me is the supposed heroism we hear about in the news yet hardly does the average person get lucky enough to attract the good deeds of a hero.
I certainly am not waiting for Superman to fly down to my rescue or a routine patrol of a COP in a convenient manner like Hollywood portrays often.
People who have been bullied in school (or the workplace for that matter) can attest to the awkwardness of being surrounded by would-be heroes yet is forsaken for some reason or another.
Though the answer seems to be as simple as proper preparation, there are always times when you are vulnerable to attack. In the more extreme case, you can't even properly avoid conflict because it breaks into your house. Though someone breaking into your house is more at a disadvantage to your steps of precaution than someone who confronts you in a parking lot or when you get off of a bus.

Given the nature of how a victim can be charged with some bogus crime for self-defense, the initial reaction to being confronted with the possibility of violence is not easy to conclude on. However, it doesn't mean there aren't options.
Generally speaking, I use the power of the tongue to give me a chance. Regardless of if it only means to buy me enough time to assess the situation I'm caught up into. Unfortunately, depending on the individual circumstances, time isn't guaranteed.

My primary mode is self defense. If there is enough time to think things through I will test my options. Some people just want money. Some people just want something you're carrying. Some people want much much more.. Any of these circumstances may involve a person who is willing to use excessive force, which desperation may be part of their arsenal.
I am not an advocate of sitting down during a crisis, but I am not an advocate of testing your luck. If there's anything people should understand, it is that life shouldn't be left to a gamble. If you're dealing with someone who is desperate, you may as well assume you will get hurt or killed if you make a mistake. So before you assume the threat level of the situation, be prudent to react to the situation instead of escalate the trouble.

I wish I could say that you can talk people out of their intent, it only works when a situation escalates from peace to malice. The rules of engagement are much different in criminal activity and the rules of engagement are even more wildly out of control when it's a crime of passion. So be smart enough not to get caught up into unnecessary strife with any individual, as they may be ready to go "all the way" to release their burning anger.
My motto is that it's better to lose your driver's license, some debit cards, and forty dollars than your life. Especially if you don't earn some hospital bills and permanent disfigurements while you're at it. I know this is hard for some people, as they think they are some super bad-ass that should be recognized as such just by physical appearance... However, no one cares how big you are or how skilled in any martial art when you are at the business end of a bullet; especially when the one pulling the trigger is damn willing to empty a whole clip into your chest just to make an escape.
None-the-less, in a case of total vulnerability in which you are caught off guard.. Your best ally is time. It gives you time to do a myriad of things.. Even if it is playing psychological games with the assailant long enough to get an advantage to run, attack, or get you to the window of opportunity for that passing hero who isn't going to sit during a crisis.
Women have it the worse, that much is undeniable. Not only are they more likely to be the prey that faces a surprise attack and is even more likely to be overpowered, they are more likely to be the victims of a crime where they can't just give up those items they can replace.

What I'm getting at may seem dismal at this point, but my intent is to give credit to the awareness of these openings and vulnerability. Sometimes your intuition is the best weapon you have to avoid the situation, even though there's no guarantee that it's enough in the end due to all sorts of factors.
What kind of person goes into a dark alley, provokes a posse of drunkards, or jumps in the front of a robber with a gun... All whilst having no plan when Plan A, Plan, B, and Plan C goes wrong? Assuming there's even a Plan A....
However, for those who like these kinds of situations... How about you guys give more effort to be like Batman? Or some other not-such-a-good-guy vigilante hiding in the dark alley like McFarlen's SPAWN.
For the rest of us.. How about a rule of thumb: Stay calm, stay alert, and be ready for the dark cloud over someone's head to turn into a raging hurricane.


Saturday, March 10, 2012


They tried to do things the conventional way and it didn't work.
They tried to be patient but it was their assertive mannerisim which made the difference.

Any Ninja can appreciate what has happened. The tide of a war has been changed by the unwavering tenacity of a group that has caught the attention of the world.
Done without weapons and without power.
Where once things seemed lost they now seem all too well. In short, ingenuity has made it possible for that which might have been truly impossible not long ago.

Even in the face of adversity. Even where those with power rule. Even when it seemed everything that's been done would regress.

Is this the sort of thing that is going to change the world? Is the enlightenment of our race as simple as not ignoring those who are constantly at the eye level with the dirt?
The people in Uganda aren't the only ones and it is plausible that a revolution is beginning that won't be quelled.

Much like the revolt in Cario was a reaction and helped send more waves through the world that have yet to stop. Just like the Occupy movement has been calmed but not disbanded from thought.. A tip to the iceberg which may reveal a whole new world hidden beneath the sea.

America may not know it now but if they help like this more and more it may receive a friend that pulls it from the slippery slope which is the declining economy and the dangerous practices lending a hand to it's growing decadence.
Though the human condition can't be stopped the people of this world can grow in sophistication in ways to halt short term self-destruction.

Just as individual, elite Spartan soldiers were much more formidable even next to a weaker soldier in the phalanx formation.. America needs to learn that it's legendary status has been achieved from defending the rights of others as it had stood for the rights of it's own.
This isn't just about the freedom not to be oppressed, it is about the freedom to not have our blood spilled onto the ground for reasons that God doesn't will!
Believe what you want, the one thing that is undeniable is any individual's desire to have a life that isn't about nothingness, pain and destitute baneful ignorance.

I am an Urban Ninja and I support the mission of making the immoral acts against the weak visible and to give the children of a lost future hope in a world they don't want to live in.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Physical Stamina

I hear a lot about how an athlete raises their physical stamina. I am not directly going to disagree with the methods since I have practiced some of them and found that they are quite helpful usually. However I do not approach them with the same mentality as before because I am no longer convinced that the method of building physical stamina efficiently comes from training your muscles to become stronger or last longer.
If there is one sport I feel trains the body very well in all respects to physical stamina it is boxing. Though swimming does a good job at conditioning many aspects of the body all at once, I do not feel it also conditions the nervous system to handle stress. In fact I feel that swimming helps a person to relax under certain circumstances rather than to find the ability to be relaxed even in a tense state.

Massaki Hatsumi says that the primary methods to increase the stamina of the body is diet and physical exertion. And he becomes very specific as to what kind of diet is for the Ninja. The physical exertion seems to entail many different forms, especially breathing and flexibility. These concepts make more sense under the notion that you are trying to allow the blood in the circulatory system greater flow regardless of your articulation or level of activity. At one point I wasn't quite sure what to make of this speculation.. Now I know it to be a strong truth.

The thing about Diet is that it isn't the same for everyone, so never take for granted what anyone will tell you about your body including your physician. You know best what you are doing to yourself even if someone can make sense of the details. If you feel off because of something you are doing or otherwise like you are crossing a danger line, you will know better than anyone else before it can be told to you. However, mind what your physician tells you since they are the experts of their field.
So why would I iterate anything based on Massaki Hatsumi? Is it because he is a Doctor of Sekkotsu? This is a bone setting practice, not a nutritional expertise. Then again, the man is in his 80's and seems just as lively as most of the people practicing under him.

One of the biggest things that is concentrated on in Diet is what kind of foods you eat. I think this is an important factor to consider when dealing with any kind of diet but I feel it is more important to look at the factors which define a diet as healthy or non. One key element being the absence of processed food. This is a general rule of thumb to health physicians as if based on some scholarly guided principle rather than pure experience. To say that a person can rely on processed foods generally goes against the studies of scientists and physicians across the world. But there is a problem, people don't take it serious enough to understand the common sense factors of why. In fact they rely more on the studies to tell them they shouldn't then to understand why it is they shouldn't rely on this unholy means of poisoning yourself.
I think the answer is a clear as night and day.. Which is that processed foods is like eating anything around you. Neither food or water is something that should be carcinogenic so why would you consume everything around you like it is edible in the first place? Just because it fits in your mouth doesn't mean it's good for your body. Right? So just because it can be bought from the grocery stores doesn't mean it deserves to be ingested either. In fact that should be rule number one.. Grocery stores equals Toxic. If it doesn't grow from the ground, and is healthy for any human being.. Then keep it away from you. This isn't just to say not to ingest it.. It is also to say to stop using products that contain it as a base element--Including shampoo's, toothpaste, clothing, etc... Granted it isn't as easy as just saying to keep it away from you but you have to start somewhere. Which is awareness!

Now consider this..
We do not live in a world where it is hard to get what we need to survive. However it is hard to get what we need for longevity. Cancer is a wide-spread phenomenon of fatal proportions if left to fester. At one point it time it's mystery was so great that there was no way that people would have thought it could be as simple as going to the grocery store; a base point of survival in this world. It was more common to think it had to be pollution, ingesting chemicals that are OBVIOUSLY bad for you like cigarettes.. But who would have thought that the friendly little elf on the box of crackers is actually an evil little demon with such spite in his heart that he's actually laughing because of your ignorance as his greed is fulfilled with your hard-earned money? Such is the nature of marketing, you are only preyed upon your weaknesses because of it. You aren't the only one or inherently retarded because of it... It's taken years of study and manipulation to come out with a near-perfect strategy to get you to happily give up your money, which is why awareness of the carcinogenic levels of all the individual ingredients and processes used by these big companies is kept such a big secret.. Even the government supports their working because they have intertwined the lives of so many in with the slow poisoning of it's life-line..

With that said I lead into the most prominent point to the development of physical stamina. The true basis to begin with and the one thing to continue to do even if nothing else is done. As without doing this you can not efficiently do anything else. And by efficiently I do not mean without results, I mean that it is the best thing you can do for yourself. I have experienced the difference, so I am not speaking in theory. And to the many others who have tried it, their testament is not an unknown factor.

  1. Raw foods - Cooking changes the base elements and zaps nutrion: Chemistry 101 teaches you that changing the temperature of an element changes the element's core properties. By heating things up you can create new elements, that is how the origin of elements occurs.. Through stars. By what basis does anyone assert that God himself tells us to lead a healthier life we should cook everything? Isn't it proper to cook meat because it is not digestible in a raw state? By what logic do we assert that it isn't because we are changing base properties to allow this? And by what logic do we assert that God demands we eat meat at all  instead of giving us a way to survive? Necessity vs Practicality is an interesting concept when you look at the differences of the world today versus yesterday.
  2. Plain foods- Using spices, garnishes, marinades or whatever.. It only causes more disturbances in your digestive abilities and numbs your senses. If you are numb you are not aware of your ailments or the world around you which isn't healthy. It is just like a smoker causes a numbing to the senses and thus isn't as aware of the pollution around them as a non-smoker. This isn't coincidence, this is what happens when we surround ourselves with poisons and toxins.. We don't become immune to them, we become numb to them. Granted we may not die quickly because of it but we also don't do ourselves any justice as we prolong our exposure to it. An art of poison taking was to build a strength to it but it was never thought to carry an immunity to it.. This was so that accidental ingestion or purposed ingestion didn't lead to the severity of damage that it would to someone whose body wasn't acquainted with. Done very infrequently, the damage wasn't continuous to the body's attempt to repair. 
  3. Non-Hybrid Foods - The world wasn't made by mixing everything together. We have more evidence to suggest there is a strange phenomenon of the sudden emergence of information than we do to say that information became complex from the non-complex. Though Evolutionists would like you to believe that diversity is the diversification of information, it truly is the split of a universal code. Every organism and species has a common bond because of similarities, not because of newly-emerged information. Why is it that we humans think that by mixing together all sorts of different gene sequences that we aren't creating plants that aren't compatible with our current gene sequence? Even the theory of Evolution is ruled by the ever-prominent fact of selection.. If an animal is non-compatible with it's environment it does not survive next to the animal which is. By changing the environment we are making ourselves non-compatible with what Evolution says we have survived because of. Though I don't personally believe in Evolution, homeostasis is not against Evolution nor Intelligent Design. Be as it must, trust in Nature's original design! The grocery store will have you believe that things are safe even though the long-term use of it's products is untested and non-verifiable! But the test of original products is extensive and understood! And yet western Science is so infantile that it is only catching up with common sense knowledge! This is why the physicians you are told to trust are so quick to write a prescription for chemicals that have side effects than to trust Nature--Does anyone old enough remember how Doctors were free to smoke around their patients? Even when that was banned they still smoked? Though the choice is free to every man as it is his God-given right, it is a diatribe to their profession to know most of them don't care about the facts let alone may be misguided! Trust the practitioner more than the paid expert! They make their living by your lack of expertise and can prey on that weakness if they choose, just like they give into their own!
  4. Gene-Balance Foods - Everyone must understand that not all foods are for everyone. This isn't only because of allergies but is also because of what the diversification of race has caused by region. It is like a wine that carries a flavor because of it's region.. We have become the same way. Our bodies have devised manners in which to be acquainted with the land to better survive. It is foolish for us to think that we are not affected adversely by lands that can not compliment our natural needs but it is even more foolish to think that there is no need to satisfy because of our species. We know what is edible to one person isn't to another yet we don't look at why? Lactose intolerance is just one example but isn't a strong one since it comes down to many factors that can be changed by diet as well. However, it is well accepted theory that dairy products are not easily consumed by the human body for a number of reasons and some should be avoided completely.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bōryaku is Occupy

The surge of Occupy protests across the US and now spreading through the world seems more like a response of the 99% that resembles what was happening in the Middle East.  I have seen and heard of many cases of non-violent approaches that are treated unfairly as well as instances that warrant a closer look.
Though I do not take the political stance lightly as well as I can see myself portrayed by these people, I do not stand with them for an assortment of reasons.

Consider the small and very quaint fact that most of these people aren't serious about what they stand for as their lives don't reflect the responsible and steadfast adults that it should.
Because of this.. I think their methods become unorthodox as the media should pay more attention to what these people do when the camera is away from them instead of focus on what the signs say and what the Police do to them.

The protests are simple and organized but they turn into a debacle of what the original stance is. As of more recent days the protests have been a symbol of revolt and defiance to authority instead of a peaceful march against the capitalists who take advantage of the people.
I don't see the correlation of Police (who are the 99% also) and the capitalists (who supposedly control them). I see a very dangerous line being drawn that's much like the 60's phenomenon. The recent IRAQ war resembling Vietnam (despite the hardcore similarities of being drug around like the Draft or the amount of men dying) and the Hippie group of new-age fundamentalists represented by the 99%.

The tactic is pretty hardcore at it's foundation.
The people are weary of the advantages of top-executives and legislators who do things in their favor while reaping the rewards of the tax-payers dollars. Banks are pulled out of their financial troubles using the tax-payers dollars, the same people who are left to futile methods of preventing their own financial troubles from causing them to lose their houses and maybe even their employment (sometimes one working towards the other). I find it very apparent that it isn't just about the middle class or poor class either.. In some cases you are talking about people who were otherwise in the 1% who were then brought to the 99% because their life-efforts were brought to vanity because of financial troubles.

This is the starving-artists war as I see it righteously. However.. I know better than that, because the people represented aren't all people who have actually suffered. As there have been many improvements in the financial sector of America that has prevented many families from losing their homes because of the foreclosure crisis as well as many people who use the protests as a means to exact their own frustrations about other key issues in the Government.
As it stands.. There's practically an 'Occupy' for everything.
Soon it will be for religious assembly as well.. Which surprisingly enough, resembles more of a Cult.

Do I think that the protests are without merit?
Absolutely Not.
However, I do find it unorthodox for the people who want to be represented in their own special-interest to thus use the Occupy as a method to push their interest forward. It is an art.. A terrible one if used correctly. And I don't say that lightly, as I deeply feel that these methods will not wash away the blood soaked tears that many people have invested into this country so that they may see their return of investment in their greedy, fat-but-now-empty pockets.
Occupy is corrupt.. Our relevance as a people should be to invest our energy into the renewal of the country for the next generation as well as methods to sustain our most basic needs. What we do with our money otherwise shouldn't be in the grasp of the government. When people realize that the Politicians are the 1% is when the 99% suddenly is the People of the Constitution once again. Until then we are going to focus on the biggest Evil of them all.. Which is Money and the Love of it.