Monday, May 17, 2021


     One year later!

        To some, a full rotation around a fiery ball; the enabling of fortitude comes, the passing of a haze that blurred the lines of life's boundaries. 

    The notion of time passing to curtail an invisible enemy must be akin to a heroic act of self-less servitude to humanitarianism. A globally unified offensive against a common, infiltrating enemy. 

    Cue the music: Violin is absent, only the sound of parading trumpets. Victory---


    Drop the charade. 
        We're playing musical chairs.

We are doing something else?


Well.. Anyways.

    For the last year I've been going in circles with rhetoric and policy changes that affect my life on a personal level, to the degree that I've even witnessed the loss of life. Hard to believe that it would amount to such, but the truth is stranger than fiction. 
The culmination of events over the past year has shed light on the ambitions of the rich and those who dare think themselves as the 'elite'. 
Aside from sharing in the gains and losses from equally unexpected places, there's been a tugging against progress. An impasse of sorts, but of a kind I can barely articulate; however, I am accustomed to the feeling of resisting progress on account of moral implications. Because I am advocating against progressive ideologues.
It's ironic that I'm usually the one claiming there's a misunderstanding of facts.

This year things have gone quite as expected in the sense of being unexpected. 
I wont go so far as to say unpredictable, but that's because I could feel that the new year would bring more of what we've been seeing. So far it seems exactly as such, there's not much variety or difference of the here and now from the then and there. 
Perhaps as more years go by the feeling will only deepen?
Or will this be a blip in comparison to what is coming?

2010 Apocalypse

    It was supposed to be another year, but instead life made quite the turn. I don't remember clearly what life was all about in my mind then, but I do recognize that I am a different person from then with respect to my character. There's a lot of me that is similar and I can say it is a propensity definition, but there's this tugging feeling that my personality isn't what changes and maybe it's needed to. In fact, I could argue that there's some boundaries that have been shattered that relate to my introversion--something of which is absolutely personality based. 
Something big enough to be called ego death occurred in the year of 2010, it did again in the summer of 2020. Around this time to be exact, but it hadn't started to sink in until autumn season--after more 'unexpected' losses.

The most noticeable thing about 2010 is the amount of things I was doing that would become the norm, yet was enough to get me laughed at. Take a look through my facebook pictures in that year and you might notice some fashion trends that are common place today, but look deeper through my other work in that year and it reveals a certain zeitgeist emerging. 
I won't claim to have future sight.. I do believe what is happening is a matter of deduction; albeit subconscious and intuitive.  

By far the funniest to me are the pictures of the me wearing surgical masks with graphics as a fashion statement then. What a strange coincidence that some of them were painted with chinese writing. 
Things like that make me sit back and question my original intent.. Just as much as why I let it go quite a while ago [though I did find the masks, I don't have the entire costumes. And no, I haven't once used the masks in public]


    Now why in the world am I picking this day to make an entry and to title this one the way I did? After all, am I really going to rant about the lockdowns or what's going on politically?
Well.. No. 
    Instead, I'm going to talk about what was going on around me a year ago and how it relates to drastic changes that seemed to happen like a flowing river. A dichotomy of context so we can understand how I relate my memories to a zeitgeist. 

    A year ago was when Colorado Administrative ---persons--- decided that the clear would be for what was initially deemed a treatable and preventable catastrophe of medical nightmares. In essence, no one knew what was going to happen other than the people with access to factual data---whoever that could even be. The point was that we were giving ourselves quite the elongated vacation indoors to hinder spread; a common-sense notion of transmissibility of a virus. 
Most everyone agreed even if anyone thought it to be ridiculous to what level we had already been reacting. After all.. Opinions of experts have ranged, depending on political affiliation and geography. Nothing new really, all part of a standard exercise in scientific deduction when one considers how anything is established on grounds of consensus. 

But, here we are. Rumor has it that we wont be wearing masks at work in a matter of weeks. Besides the uplift of administrative mandates there is also this growing disregard for what I call an adherence to obedience. 
The people in the crowd will not follow the guidelines, not that I care, regardless of what level of fear comes in the form of propaganda.

This is the world we live..
It's a ridiculous 'hive' effort, refusing to acknowledge that society has colonizing attributes. There is no way around it other than trying to redefine logic; which is what is happening.