The surge of Occupy protests across the US and now spreading through the world seems more like a response of the 99% that resembles what was happening in the Middle East. I have seen and heard of many cases of non-violent approaches that are treated unfairly as well as instances that warrant a closer look.
Though I do not take the political stance lightly as well as I can see myself portrayed by these people, I do not stand with them for an assortment of reasons.
Consider the small and very quaint fact that most of these people aren't serious about what they stand for as their lives don't reflect the responsible and steadfast adults that it should.
Because of this.. I think their methods become unorthodox as the media should pay more attention to what these people do when the camera is away from them instead of focus on what the signs say and what the Police do to them.
The protests are simple and organized but they turn into a debacle of what the original stance is. As of more recent days the protests have been a symbol of revolt and defiance to authority instead of a peaceful march against the capitalists who take advantage of the people.
I don't see the correlation of Police (who are the 99% also) and the capitalists (who supposedly control them). I see a very dangerous line being drawn that's much like the 60's phenomenon. The recent IRAQ war resembling Vietnam (despite the hardcore similarities of being drug around like the Draft or the amount of men dying) and the Hippie group of new-age fundamentalists represented by the 99%.
The tactic is pretty hardcore at it's foundation.
The people are weary of the advantages of top-executives and legislators who do things in their favor while reaping the rewards of the tax-payers dollars. Banks are pulled out of their financial troubles using the tax-payers dollars, the same people who are left to futile methods of preventing their own financial troubles from causing them to lose their houses and maybe even their employment (sometimes one working towards the other). I find it very apparent that it isn't just about the middle class or poor class either.. In some cases you are talking about people who were otherwise in the 1% who were then brought to the 99% because their life-efforts were brought to vanity because of financial troubles.
This is the starving-artists war as I see it righteously. However.. I know better than that, because the people represented aren't all people who have actually suffered. As there have been many improvements in the financial sector of America that has prevented many families from losing their homes because of the foreclosure crisis as well as many people who use the protests as a means to exact their own frustrations about other key issues in the Government.
As it stands.. There's practically an 'Occupy' for everything.
Soon it will be for religious assembly as well.. Which surprisingly enough, resembles more of a Cult.
Do I think that the protests are without merit?
Absolutely Not.
However, I do find it unorthodox for the people who want to be represented in their own special-interest to thus use the Occupy as a method to push their interest forward. It is an art.. A terrible one if used correctly. And I don't say that lightly, as I deeply feel that these methods will not wash away the blood soaked tears that many people have invested into this country so that they may see their return of investment in their greedy, fat-but-now-empty pockets.
Occupy is corrupt.. Our relevance as a people should be to invest our energy into the renewal of the country for the next generation as well as methods to sustain our most basic needs. What we do with our money otherwise shouldn't be in the grasp of the government. When people realize that the Politicians are the 1% is when the 99% suddenly is the People of the Constitution once again. Until then we are going to focus on the biggest Evil of them all.. Which is Money and the Love of it.