I hear a lot about how an athlete raises their physical stamina. I am not directly going to disagree with the methods since I have practiced some of them and found that they are quite helpful usually. However I do not approach them with the same mentality as before because I am no longer convinced that the method of building physical stamina efficiently comes from training your muscles to become stronger or last longer.
If there is one sport I feel trains the body very well in all respects to physical stamina it is boxing. Though swimming does a good job at conditioning many aspects of the body all at once, I do not feel it also conditions the nervous system to handle stress. In fact I feel that swimming helps a person to relax under certain circumstances rather than to find the ability to be relaxed even in a tense state.
Massaki Hatsumi says that the primary methods to increase the stamina of the body is diet and physical exertion. And he becomes very specific as to what kind of diet is for the Ninja. The physical exertion seems to entail many different forms, especially breathing and flexibility. These concepts make more sense under the notion that you are trying to allow the blood in the circulatory system greater flow regardless of your articulation or level of activity. At one point I wasn't quite sure what to make of this speculation.. Now I know it to be a strong truth.
The thing about Diet is that it isn't the same for everyone, so never take for granted what anyone will tell you about your body including your physician. You know best what you are doing to yourself even if someone can make sense of the details. If you feel
off because of something you are doing or otherwise like you are crossing a danger line, you will know better than anyone else before it can be told to you. However, mind what your physician tells you since they are the experts of their field.
So why would I iterate anything based on Massaki Hatsumi? Is it because he is a Doctor of Sekkotsu? This is a bone setting practice, not a nutritional expertise. Then again, the man is in his 80's and seems just as lively as most of the people practicing under him.
One of the biggest things that is concentrated on in Diet is what kind of foods you eat. I think this is an important factor to consider when dealing with any kind of diet but I feel it is more important to look at the factors which define a diet as healthy or non. One key element being the absence of processed food. This is a general rule of thumb to health physicians as if based on some scholarly guided principle rather than pure experience. To say that a person can rely on processed foods generally goes against the studies of scientists and physicians across the world. But there is a problem, people don't take it serious enough to understand the common sense factors of why. In fact they rely more on the studies to tell them they shouldn't then to understand why it is they shouldn't rely on this unholy means of poisoning yourself.
I think the answer is a clear as night and day.. Which is that processed foods is like eating anything around you. Neither food or water is something that should be carcinogenic so why would you consume everything around you like it is edible in the first place? Just because it fits in your mouth doesn't mean it's good for your body. Right? So just because it can be bought from the grocery stores doesn't mean it deserves to be ingested either. In fact that should be rule number one.. Grocery stores equals Toxic. If it doesn't grow from the ground, and is healthy for any human being.. Then keep it away from you. This isn't just to say not to ingest it.. It is also to say to stop using products that contain it as a base element--Including shampoo's, toothpaste, clothing, etc... Granted it isn't as easy as just saying to keep it away from you but you have to start somewhere. Which is awareness!
Now consider this..
We do not live in a world where it is hard to get what we need to survive. However it is hard to get what we need for longevity. Cancer is a wide-spread phenomenon of fatal proportions if left to fester. At one point it time it's mystery was so great that there was no way that people would have thought it could be as simple as going to the grocery store; a base point of survival in this world. It was more common to think it had to be pollution, ingesting chemicals that are OBVIOUSLY bad for you like cigarettes.. But who would have thought that the friendly little elf on the box of crackers is actually an evil little demon with such spite in his heart that he's actually laughing because of your ignorance as his greed is fulfilled with your hard-earned money? Such is the nature of marketing, you are only preyed upon your weaknesses because of it. You aren't the only one or inherently retarded because of it... It's taken years of study and manipulation to come out with a near-perfect strategy to get you to happily give up your money, which is why awareness of the carcinogenic levels of all the individual ingredients and processes used by these big companies is kept such a big secret.. Even the government supports their working because they have intertwined the lives of so many in with the slow poisoning of it's life-line..
With that said I lead into the most prominent point to the development of physical stamina. The true basis to begin with and the one thing to continue to do even if nothing else is done. As without doing this you can not efficiently do anything else. And by efficiently I do not mean without results, I mean that it is the best thing you can do for yourself. I have experienced the difference, so I am not speaking in theory. And to the many others who have tried it, their testament is not an unknown factor.
- Raw foods - Cooking changes the base elements and zaps nutrion: Chemistry 101 teaches you that changing the temperature of an element changes the element's core properties. By heating things up you can create new elements, that is how the origin of elements occurs.. Through stars. By what basis does anyone assert that God himself tells us to lead a healthier life we should cook everything? Isn't it proper to cook meat because it is not digestible in a raw state? By what logic do we assert that it isn't because we are changing base properties to allow this? And by what logic do we assert that God demands we eat meat at all instead of giving us a way to survive? Necessity vs Practicality is an interesting concept when you look at the differences of the world today versus yesterday.
- Plain foods- Using spices, garnishes, marinades or whatever.. It only causes more disturbances in your digestive abilities and numbs your senses. If you are numb you are not aware of your ailments or the world around you which isn't healthy. It is just like a smoker causes a numbing to the senses and thus isn't as aware of the pollution around them as a non-smoker. This isn't coincidence, this is what happens when we surround ourselves with poisons and toxins.. We don't become immune to them, we become numb to them. Granted we may not die quickly because of it but we also don't do ourselves any justice as we prolong our exposure to it. An art of poison taking was to build a strength to it but it was never thought to carry an immunity to it.. This was so that accidental ingestion or purposed ingestion didn't lead to the severity of damage that it would to someone whose body wasn't acquainted with. Done very infrequently, the damage wasn't continuous to the body's attempt to repair.
- Non-Hybrid Foods - The world wasn't made by mixing everything together. We have more evidence to suggest there is a strange phenomenon of the sudden emergence of information than we do to say that information became complex from the non-complex. Though Evolutionists would like you to believe that diversity is the diversification of information, it truly is the split of a universal code. Every organism and species has a common bond because of similarities, not because of newly-emerged information. Why is it that we humans think that by mixing together all sorts of different gene sequences that we aren't creating plants that aren't compatible with our current gene sequence? Even the theory of Evolution is ruled by the ever-prominent fact of selection.. If an animal is non-compatible with it's environment it does not survive next to the animal which is. By changing the environment we are making ourselves non-compatible with what Evolution says we have survived because of. Though I don't personally believe in Evolution, homeostasis is not against Evolution nor Intelligent Design. Be as it must, trust in Nature's original design! The grocery store will have you believe that things are safe even though the long-term use of it's products is untested and non-verifiable! But the test of original products is extensive and understood! And yet western Science is so infantile that it is only catching up with common sense knowledge! This is why the physicians you are told to trust are so quick to write a prescription for chemicals that have side effects than to trust Nature--Does anyone old enough remember how Doctors were free to smoke around their patients? Even when that was banned they still smoked? Though the choice is free to every man as it is his God-given right, it is a diatribe to their profession to know most of them don't care about the facts let alone may be misguided! Trust the practitioner more than the paid expert! They make their living by your lack of expertise and can prey on that weakness if they choose, just like they give into their own!
- Gene-Balance Foods - Everyone must understand that not all foods are for everyone. This isn't only because of allergies but is also because of what the diversification of race has caused by region. It is like a wine that carries a flavor because of it's region.. We have become the same way. Our bodies have devised manners in which to be acquainted with the land to better survive. It is foolish for us to think that we are not affected adversely by lands that can not compliment our natural needs but it is even more foolish to think that there is no need to satisfy because of our species. We know what is edible to one person isn't to another yet we don't look at why? Lactose intolerance is just one example but isn't a strong one since it comes down to many factors that can be changed by diet as well. However, it is well accepted theory that dairy products are not easily consumed by the human body for a number of reasons and some should be avoided completely.